My work covers sensory ecology and evolution, especially vision and adaptive coloration.
Please visit my lab page for more information.
The research conducted in my group and with our collaborators covers a broad range of areas, including:
- animal vision, in both the natural world and increasingly in an applied context
- methods to analyse and quantify visual information and animal vision, especially from digital images
- animal colour change and camouflage, including human impacts on this
- anti-predator coloration (camouflage, warning signals, and eyespots)
- brood parasitism and mimicry
- benefits of understanding animal vision for improving animal welfare, safety, and training.
A major current area of research is camouflage in marine species and the mechanisms and function of colour change. In addition, I also have other applied projects, such as related to horse vision and safety in horse sports.
I work on a wide range of taxonomic groups, including birds, reptiles, crabs, insects, primates, and even humans. My work combines empirical and theoretical work in the lab and field, both in the UK and abroad (Africa, mainland Europe, SE Asia). It is highly interdisciplinary, incorporating theories and methods from several areas of biology, experimental psychology, and computer science. Please get in touch if you are interested in joining us.
My research group website can be found at www.sensoryecology.com.
I am also a member of the Behaviour research group.