PhD Thesis
My project investigates camouflage, colour change and transparency in chameleon prawns from the perspectives of modelled predator (fish) vision. My aim is to understand the function and mechanisms of colour change, and implications for within-species diversity and life history traits. Additionally, my thesis investigates the interplay between colour change and behavioural traits that improve camouflage, focusing on understanding how they combine in a species’ overall camouflage strategy.
Additional Research
Alongside my postgraduate studies, I have worked as a graduate research assistant with Martin on a number of projects. I have worked on assignments concerning avian visual deterrents and looking at the lighting/visual environments within livestock farming enclosures aiming to improve welfare and productivity. Most recently I worked on a project investigating differences in the antipredator adaptations and behaviours displayed by adults and juveniles in a range of intertidal crab species.
Galloway, J.A.M.*, Green, S.D.*, Stevens, M. & Kelley, L.A. Finding a hidden signal among noise: how can predators overcome camouflage strategies? Phil Trans B, (2020). http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2019.0478. *Shared primary authorship.
Green, S.D.*, Duarte, R.C.*, Kellett, E., Alagaratnam, N. & Stevens, M. Colour change and behavioural choice facilitate chameleon prawn camouflage against different seaweed backgrounds. Commun Biol 2, 230 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-019-0465-8. *Shared primary authorship. Featured on BBC Springwatch (3/6/20).
Price, N., Green, S., Troscianko, J., Tregenza, T. & Stevens, M. Background matching and disruptive coloration as habitat-specific strategies for camouflage. Sci Rep 9, 7840 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-44349-2.