PhD Researcher in Sensory, Behavioural, and Evolutionary Ecology

Current Research:
I am currently working on my PhD thesis, titled ‘Sensory processing during mate choice in swordtail fish’. My research encompasses both empirical methods in the fish lab and theoretical evolutionary modelling in order to investigate how female perception may influence the evolution of sexual signals. I am particularly interested in the impacts of proportional processing (Weber’s Law).

Prior Research:
Previously, my MSci project focussed on the behavioural and morphological impacts of Artificial Light At Night (ALAN). Using field experiments on littoral isopods, I investigated how diffuse versus direct anthropogenic lighting altered the landscape of fear and colour change in this species.

Bullough, K., Kuijper, B., Caves, E., Kelley, L. 2023. Weber’s Law. Current Biology. DOI:

Bullough, K., Gaston, K., Troscianko, J. 2023. Artificial light at night causes conflicting behavioural and morphological defence responses in a marine isopod. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. DOI:

Contact Info:
Mobile: +44 7810490038

Kathryn Bullough

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