Jim Galloway

Jim Galloway

Currently I am a postdoctoral researcher working with Dr. Jolyon Troscianko and Professor Kevin J Gaston investigating the scale of light pollution from headlight, and specifically it’s impact on nocturnal and crepuscular insects, both in their ability to adapt to

Sam Green

Sam Green

PhD Thesis My project investigates camouflage, colour change and transparency in chameleon prawns from the perspectives of modelled predator (fish) vision. My aim is to understand the function and mechanisms of colour change, and implications for within-species diversity and life

Eleanor Caves

Eleanor Caves

Marie Curie Research fellow My research interests lie at the intersection of vision, behavioral ecology, and evolution. I am currently a Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Research Fellow working with Laura Kelley at University of Exeter’s Penryn Campus. Please visit my research website for