PhD Researcher in Sensory and Behavioural Ecology
Kat Crenol

PhD Researcher in Sensory and Behavioural Ecology
Currently I am a postdoctoral researcher working with Dr. Jolyon Troscianko and Professor Kevin J Gaston investigating the scale of light pollution from headlight, and specifically it’s impact on nocturnal and crepuscular insects, both in their ability to adapt to
I am a research fellow working with Dr Jolyon Troscianko, investigating the impacts of light pollution on the visual ecology of moths, as part of a wider team with Prof Kevin Gaston, Dr Jonathan Bennie and Dr Jim Galloway. My
BBSRC Postdoctoral Researcher
I have a background in behavioural ecology and sensory ecology, asking questions such as how an animal’s cognition or appearance to other animals affects how they interact with their environment, and how this in turn affects their evolution (see my