Harvesters are discreet arachnids that move slowly, and unlike spiders, they don't have venom glands, but they produce a bad smell. Many species have a brownish coloration, but some have varying patterns.
We are interested to know if these different color patterns influence harvesters detection in two different habitats. To answer this, we are using an online game, in which humans play as predators.
If you have been to the brazilian atlantic rainforest, chances are you have been watched by quite a few harvesters.
There are 42 harvesters, and you have 10 seconds to find each of them.
There is one harvester in each landscape. Now, your goal is to find all of them as fast as you can!
Can you find all of them?
Click any harvester to start the game.
By clicking “I agree” you're consenting to your click-data and device screen data (such as screen dimensions and orientation) being used for our research. No personal identifying data will be collected, and you're free to stop at any time.